How often do I change water in tank?
The water is cleaned through one ultraviolet and one mechanical filter, we use daily
Hydrogenperoxide and this is the reason you don’t have to change water. However we recommend a change of
water every year.
What happens if bad smell or dark water will appear in the tank? Do I have to change water
Our tank is designed to use standard filters. -This to cut the cost of tank and that the offer of different filter
for the floatingtank is bigger. If bad smell would appear in the tank, ours is among the only one that in a very
easy way change filter and montage a different one that take care of the most
How long delivery time is it on Restingwells flotation tanks?
Normally we always strive to have two floating tanks in stock with maximum one week delivery
time. However this can deviate if other clients place order first. Offers are given with subject of prior
How about dependable is the Restingwell floatingtank?
We have thought of the most problems that can occur, We can say that the Restingwell Spirit is
very known for it’s “easy to use concept” and luckily not so often “easy to fix concept”.
The details used in our tank is already used in the spa industry today and we have spare parts
always in stock for immediate delivery.
How much is the cost of Restingwell floatingtank? Price?
The price is not public but you only have to ask for it by e-mail. We can assure you
that our price is much lower than other floatingtank manufactures around the world want
What is the price on a floating tank today by other manufactures?
Price around the world is difficult to isolate but around 15.000 EURO to 25.000 EURO (150.000
- 250.000 SEK) but there is extreme cases with price up to 45.000 EURO. There are also floatationtanks in USA
for 6.500 USD
Can I have a CD player mounted in the tank?
Electronics and water is not going hand in hand. You use a connection to an extern
CD player and to the speakers that are mounted inside the tank.
If I want to exchange water, how environmental hazardous is Epsomsalt?
Epsomsalt is a salt used in many different areas. Epsom salt is even used in farming as
fertilisation of growing plants.
No environmental hazardous as we know
©Wellrest Floatingcenter